یکشنبه ۲۸ بهمن ۰۳


film cinema


۴۲۱ بازديد




The main article for this category is Film.

For people who work in film, see actors, directors, screenwriters, producers, crew, executives, pioneers, etc, see Category Film people by role.

For their occupational descriptions, see Category Filmmaking occupations.

For writing and thought about film, see criticism, theory, styles, genre, magazines, books, film schools, etc, see Category Film theory.

For the making of films - techniques, studios, production, editing, special effects, costume design, technology, etc, see Category Filmmaking.

For songs, soundtracks or theme music, see Category Film music.


۱۳۰ بازديد

250 Film IMDb




Films Farsi Dubbed




















Rooze Sheitan 1373

۱۴۷ بازديد
نام فيلم: روز شيطان

كارگردان: بهروز افخمي


سال توليد: 1373


موضوع: حادثه اي


بازيگران: علي دهكردي ، آتيلا پسياني ، عبدالرضا اكبري ، منوچهر حامدي ، حميد طاعتي ، داريوش اسدزاده ، محمد فيلي ، ايرج رامين فر ، عباس اميري …


موسيقي: بابك بيات


خلاصه داستان فيلم روز شيطان:


يكي از گروهك‌هاي سلطنت طلب در پاريس طرحي براي براندازي در دست اجرا دارد و از حمايت بعضي از صاحبان قدرت در آمريكا برخوردار است. مرحله اول اين طرح وارد كردن تدريجي قطعات يك بمب اتمي كوچك است. مرحله ديگر جاسازي آن در داخل يك چمدان است تا يك هفته قبل از بازديد نمايندگان آژانس بين المللي انرژي هسته‌اي از تأسيسات اتمي ايران، جنب استاديوم يكصدهزار نفري آزادي منفجر كرده و با اين كار حكومت ايران را متهم به زير پا گذاشتن قراردادهاي كنترل سلاح‌هاي هسته‌اي كنند. قطعات بمب به وسيله يازده نفر به صورت جداگانه و تحت پوشش وسايل معمولي مسافرين وارد كشور مي‌شود، اما با تصادفي كه براي يكي از حاملين بمب پيش مي‌آيد، قطعه‌اي از بمب به دست مأمورين وزارت اطلاعات مي‌افتد و…




روز شيطان فيلمي به كارگرداني و نويسندگي بهروز افخمي ساختهٔ سال ۱۳۷۳ است.

Mehrieh Bibi 1373

۱۳۰ بازديد
نام فيلم: مهريه بي بي


كارگردان: اصغر هاشمي


سال توليد: 1373


موضوع: كمدي


بازيگران: عليرضا خمسه ، جهانبخش سلطاني ، پروين دخت يزدانيان ، محمود بصيري ، سعيد اميرسليماني ، كمند اميرسليماني ، اسماعيل داورفر ، نيما بانكي ، عيسي صفايي ، فاطمه طاهري …


خلاصه داستان فيلم مهريه بي بي:


بي‌بي براي نجات كوكب از يك ازدواج اجباري، سند قطعه زميني را كه مهريه‌اش است براي فروش، به بنگاه معاملات ملكي اسدي مي‌برد. دلال ديگري به نام شكوري كه از مدت‌ها پيش در پي خريد اين زمين بوده، پي مي‌برد كه بي‌بي از قيمت واقعي زمينش بي‌اطلاع است. دو بنگاهدار همدست مي‌شوند تا زمين را مفت و ارزان از چنگ بي‌بي درآورند. اما اتفاقي كه پيش مي‌آيد نقشه آن‌ها را عقب مي‌اندازد…




مهري بي‌بي فيلمي ايراني محصول ۱۳۷۳ به كارگرداني اصغر هاشمي و بازيگري پروين‌دخت يزدانيان است. اين فيلم بارها به مناسب هاي مختلف از شبكه هاي تلويزيوني پخش شده است.

Dokhtaraneh Entezar 1378

۱۳۵ بازديد
نام فيلم: دختران انتظار

كارگردان: رحمان رضايي


سال توليد: 1378


موضوع: اجتماعي / عاشقانه


بازيگران: پارسا پيروزفر ، نيكي كريمي ، شراره رخام ، اميد متقي ، كامبيز ديرباز ، فخرالدين صديق شريف ، ايمان خردمند ، هوشنگ قوانلو …


خلاصه داستان فيلم دختران انتظار:


زن جواني را به بخش اورژانس مي آورند و سعيد مسرور، دانشجوي شهرستاني سال آخر پزشكي با ديدن او كه حال مساعدي ندارد، غمگين و افسرده، گذشته را به ياد مي آورد. سعيد براي بازپرداخت بدهي هشتصد هزار توماني خود نزد دلالي به نام سام مي رود اما سام كه دو هزار دلار به سعيد داده، حالا با دو برابر شدن قيمت دلار دو برابر اصل پول را طلب مي كند. سعيد به سراغ مسئول وام دانشجويي دانشگاه مي رود و او پيشنهاد مي كند سعيد با دانشجويي به نام روشنك دلجو به طور صوري ازدواج كند تا هر دو از طريق وام ازدواج بدهي خود را بپردازند. روشنك كه دچار بيماري عصبي است مي خواهد با وجه وام حدود سه ميليون تومان بدهي خودش را كه نامزد سابقش بالا آورده، بدهد. او كه به كار خريد و فروش موبايل مشغول بوده، به نام روشنك به مردم چك بي محل داده و او را به دردسر انداخته است. سعيد با روشنك ازدواج مي كند، اما وام دانشجويي به دليل اختلاف نظر با سازمان برنامه و بودجه قطع شده است…




دختران انتظار فيلمي به كارگرداني رحمان رضايي، نويسندگي محمدهادي كريمي و تهيه‌كنندگي داريوش بابائيان و رحمان رضايي ساخته سال۱۳۷۸ است كه در سال ۱۳۷۹ بر روي پرده سينما رفته‌است. فيلم دختران انتظار در پنجمين دوره جشن خانه سينما (۱۳۸۰) و دومين دوره جشنواره اجتماعي فيلم آبادان (۱۳۷۹) شركت كرده‌است.

Har Shabe Tanhayi 1386

۱۲۳ بازديد
نام فيلم: هر شب تنهايي

كارگردان: رسول صدر عاملي


سال توليد: 1386


موضوع: اجتماعي


بازيگران: ليلا حاتمي ، حامد بهداد ، مرجان قره جه ، محسن كريمي ، علي بكانيان …


نوسنده: رسول صدر عاملي ، كامبوزيا پرتوي


خلاصه داستان فيلم هر شب تنهايي:


عطيه نويسنده و مجري يك برنامه خانوادگي راديوست. او هر روز به سؤالات شنوندگان اين برنامه پاسخ مي دهد و به آنها توصيه مي كند با همسرشان چگونه باشند تا زندگي زناشويي بهتري داشته باشند. عطيه به شهر مقدس مشهد آمده است، اما او درگير مناسبات خود و همسرش است و مشكلي دارد كه حل نشدني است و …




هر شب تنهايي نام فيلم سينمايي ايراني ساختهٔ رسول صدر عاملي در سال ۱۳۸۶ است. كامبوزيا پرتوي بيان داشت كه فيلم را با الهام از داستاني نوشته اريك امانوئل اشميت درباره كودكان سرطاني نوشته است.


جوايزي كه فيلم كسب كرده از اين قرار است:


بهترين كارگردان جشنواره پرده نقره اي سنگاپور

بهترين كارگردان پنجمين دوره جشنواره منبر طلايي روسيه

جـايزه تماشاگران جشنواره شيكاگو

جايزه تماشاگران نوزدهمين دوره جشنواره فيلم هاي ايراني

جايزه ويژه هيئت داوران حشنواره فيلم “مذهب امروز” ايتاليا

جايزه ويژه دانشجويان دانشگاه علوم ارتباطات اجتماعي شهر رم ايتاليا

ديپلم افتخار براي صدر عاملي به خاطر كارگرداني فيلم در جشنواره بين المللي فيلم فجر، بخش در جستجوي حقيقت و عدالت 1387

Ziafat 1374

۱۳۴ بازديد
نام فيلم: ضيافت



كارگردان: مسعود كيميايي


سال توليد: 1374


موضوع: اجتماعي / حادثه اي


بازيگران: فريبرز عرب نيا ، بهزاد خداويسي ، حسن جوهرچي ، پارسا پيروزفر ، رامين پرچمي ، اكبر معزي ، محمد رجبي ، مهدي خيامي ، شهرزاد عبدالمجيد ، يدالله رضواني …


خلاصه داستان فيلم ضيافت:


هفت دوست سال ها پيش قرار گذاشته اند كه چند سال بعد در روز مشخصي بار ديگر در پاتوق هميشگي شان گرد هم بيايند. در روز تعيين شده همه با هيئت هاي تغيير يافته حاضر مي شوند به غير از رامين كه اكنون وكيل شده و براي شركتي به مديريت مهياران كار مي كند. رامين ناخواسته وارد كارهاي خلاف قانون رئيس شركت شده و اكنون كه ديگر حاضر به همكاري با آن ها نبوده او را به مرگ تهديد كرده اند و او از ترس جانش به مكان امني پناه مي برد و همسرش را به جاي خود بر سر قرار مي فرستد تا از دوستان قديميش براي نجات او كمك بگيرد…




ضيافت، نام فيلمي از مسعود كيميايي است . در اين فيلم فريبرز عرب نيا و پارسا پيروزفر به ايفاي نقش پرداخته اند . اين فيلم در در سال ۱۳۷۴ اكران عمومي شد.

Taleh 1384

۱۳۵ بازديد
نام فيلم: تله

كارگردان: سيروس الوند


سال توليد: 1384


موضوع: اجتماعي / حادثه اي


بازيگران: محمدرضا گلزار ، امين حيايي ، مهناز افشار ، ماه چهره خليلي ، سحر زكريا ، سيروس ابراهيم زاده ، مهوش وقاري ، مليكا زارعي ، علي اصغر طبسي …


خلاصه داستان فيلم تله:


شب اول ازدواج يك زوج جوان با تلفن يك ناشناس به هم مي ريزد. صدا از گذشته مي گويد؛ گذشته سياهي كه پيش تر اين زوج مي پنداشتند مي توانند فراموش كنند غافل از اين كه سياهي گذشته، هميشه با آن هاست. به شوهر كه پزشك است شب بعد از عروسي با تماس تلفني گفته مي شود يكي از بيماران سابقش خودكشي كرده است…




تله فيلمي به كارگرداني سيروس الوند، تهيه‌كنندگي حسن توكل‌نيا و نويسندگي ايرج افشار محصول سال ۱۳۸۴ است. اين فيلم در تاريخ ۲۲ آذر ۱۳۸۵ بر روي پرده سينما رفت. اين اثر يكي از چندين فيلم تجاري دهه هشتاد بود كه زوج هنري محمدرضا گلزار و مهناز افشار در آن به ايفاي نقش پرداختند.


۱۳۹ بازديد


Filmmaking (or in an academic context, film production) is the process of making a film.

Filmmaking involves a number of discrete stages including an initial story, idea, or commission, through scriptwriting, casting, shooting, sound recording and reproduction, editing, and screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a film release and exhibition.

Filmmaking takes place in many places around the world in a range of economic, social, and political contexts, and using a variety of technologies and cinematic techniques.

Typically, it involves a large number of people, and can take from a few months to several years to complete.

Stages of production

Film production consists of five major stages:

Development — The first stage in which the ideas for the film are created, rights to books/plays are bought etc., and the screenplay is written.

Financing for the project has to be sought and greenlit.

Pre-production—Preparations are made for the shoot, in which cast and film crew are hired, locations are selected, and sets are built.

Production—The raw elements for the film are recorded during the film shoot.

Post-production—The images, sound, and visual effects of the recorded film are edited.

Distribution—The finished film is distributed and screened in cinemas and/or released to home video.

Development[edit]In this stage, the project producer selects a story, which may come from a book, play, another film, true story, video game, comic book, graphic novel, or an original idea, etc.

After identifying a theme or underlying message, the producer works with writers to prepare a synopsis.

Next they produce a step outline, which breaks the story down into one-paragraph scenes that concentrate on dramatic structure.

Then, they prepare a treatment, a 25-to-30-page description of the story, its mood, and characters.

This usually has little dialogue and stage direction, but often contains drawings that help visualize key points.

Another way is to produce a scriptment once a synopsis is produced.

Next, a screenwriter writes a screenplay over a period of several months.

The screenwriter may rewrite it several times to improve dramatization, clarity, structure, characters, dialogue, and overall style.

However, producers often skip the previous steps and develop submitted screenplays which investors, studios, and other interested parties assess through a process called script coverage.

A film distributor may be contacted at an early stage to assess the likely market and potential financial success of the film.

Hollywood distributors adopt a hard-headed business approach and consider factors such as the film genre, the target audience, the historical success of similar films, the actors who might appear in the film, and potential directors.

All these factors imply a certain appeal of the film to a possible audience.

Not all films make a profit from the theatrical release alone, so film companies take DVD sales and worldwide distribution rights into account.

The producer and screenwriter prepare a film pitch, or treatment, and present it to potential financiers.

They will also pitch the film to actors and directors (especially so-called bankable stars) in order to "attach" them to the project (that is, obtain a binding promise to work on the film if financing is ever secured).

Many projects fail to move beyond this stage and enter so-called development hell.

If a pitch succeeds, a film receives a "green light", meaning someone offers financial backing: typically a major film studio, film council, or independent investor. The parties involved negotiate a deal and sign contracts.

Once all parties have met and the deal has been set, the film may proceed into the pre-production period.

By this stage, the film should have a clearly defined marketing strategy and target audience.

Development of animated films differs slightly in that it is the director who develops and pitches a story to an executive producer on the basis of rough storyboards, and it is rare for a full-length screenplay to already exist at that point in time.

If the film is green-lighted for further development and pre-production, then a screenwriter is later brought in to prepare the screenplay.


Main article: Pre-production

In pre-production, every step of actually creating the film is carefully designed and planned.

The production company is created and a production office established.

The film is pre-visualized by the director, and may be storyboarded with the help of illustrators and concept artists.

A production budget is drawn up to plan expenditures for the film.

For major productions, insurance is procured to protect against accidents.

The producer hires a crew. The nature of the film, and the budget, determine the size and type of crew used during filmmaking.

Many Hollywood blockbusters employ a cast and crew of hundreds, while a low-budget, independent film may be made by a skeleton crew of eight or nine (or fewer).

These are typical crew positions:

Storyboard artist: creates visual images to help the director and production designer communicate their ideas to the production team.

Director: is primarily responsible for the storytelling, creative decisions and acting of the film.

Assistant director (AD): manages the shooting schedule and logistics of the production, among other tasks. There are several types of AD, each with different responsibilities.

Unit production manager: manages the production budget and production schedule.

They also report, on behalf of the production office, to the studio executives or financiers of the film.

Location manager: finds and manages film locations. Nearly all pictures feature segments that are shot in the controllable environment of a studio sound stage, while outdoor sequences call for filming on location.

Production designer: creates the visual conception of the film, working with the art director.

Art director: manages the art department, which makes production sets

Costume designer: creates the clothing for the characters in the film working closely with the actors, as well as other departments.

Make up and hair designer: works closely with the costume designer in addition to create a certain look for a character.

Casting director: finds actors to fill the parts in the script. This normally requires that actors audition.

Choreographer creates and coordinates the movement and dance - typically for musicals. Some films also credit a fight choreographer.

Director of photography (DP): is the cinematographer who supervises the photography of the entire film.

Director of audiography (DA): is the audiographer who supervises the audiography of the entire film. For productions in the Western world this role is also known as either sound designer or supervising sound editor.

Production sound mixer: is the head of the sound department during the production stage of filmmaking.

They record and mix the   audio on set - dialogue, presence and sound effects in mono and ambience in stereo.

They work with the boom operator, Director, DA, DP, and First AD.

Sound designer: creates the aural conception of the film, working with the supervising sound editor.

On some productions the sound designer plays the role of a director of audiography.

Composer: creates new music for the film. (usually not until post-production)


See also: Cinematography, Audiography and Principal photography

In production, the video production/film is created and shot. More crew will be recruited at this stage, such as the property master, script supervisor, assistant directors, stills photographer, picture editor, and sound editors.

These are just the most common roles in filmmaking; the production office will be free to create any unique blend of roles to suit the various responsibilities possible during the production of a film.

A typical day's shooting begins with the crew arriving on the set/location by their call time. Actors usually have their own separate call times.

Since set construction, dressing and lighting can take many hours or even days, they are often set up in advance.

The grip, electric and production design crews are typically a step ahead of the camera and sound departments: for efficiency's sake, while a scene is being filmed, they are already preparing the next one.

While the crew prepare their equipment, the actors are wardrobed in their costumes and attend the hair and make-up departments.

The actors rehearse the script and blocking with the director, and the camera and sound crews rehearse with them and make final tweaks.

Finally, the action is shot in as many takes as the director wishes. Most American productions follow a specific procedure:

The assistant director (AD) calls "picture is up!" to inform everyone that a take is about to be recorded, and then "quiet, everyone!"

 Once everyone is ready to shoot, the AD calls "roll sound" (if the take involves sound), and the production sound mixer will start their equipment, record a verbal slate of the take's information, and announce "sound speed", or just "speed", when they are ready.

The AD follows with "roll camera", answered by "speed!" by the camera operator once the camera is recording.

The clapper, who is already in front of the camera with the clapperboard, calls "marker!" and slaps it shut. If the take involves extras or background action, the AD will cue them ("action background!"), and last is the director, telling the actors "action!".

The AD may echo "action" louder on large sets.

A take is over when the director calls "cut!", and camera and sound stop recording.

The script supervisor will note any continuity issues and the sound and camera teams log technical notes for the take on their respective report sheets.

If the director decides additional takes are required, the whole process repeats.

Once satisfied, the crew moves on to the next camera angle or "setup," until the whole scene is "covered."

When shooting is finished for the scene, the assistant director declares a "wrap" or "moving on," and the crew will "strike," or dismantle, the set for that scene.

At the end of the day, the director approves the next day's shooting schedule and a daily progress report is sent to the production office.

This includes the report sheets from continuity, sound, and camera teams.

Call sheets are distributed to the cast and crew to tell them when and where to turn up the next shooting day.

Later on, the director, producer, other department heads, and, sometimes, the cast, may gather to watch that day or yesterday's footage, called dailies, and review their work.

With workdays often lasting 14 or 18 hours in remote locations, film production tends to create a team spirit.

When the entire film is in the can, or in the completion of the production phase, it is customary for the production office to arrange a wrap party, to thank all the cast and crew for their efforts.

For the production phase on live-action films, synchronizing work schedules of key cast and crew members is very important, since for many scenes, several cast members and most of the crew must be physically present at the same place at the same time (and bankable stars may need to rush from one project to another).

Animated films have different workflow at the production phase, in that voice talent can record their takes in the recording studio at different times and may not see one another until the film's premiere, while most physical live-action tasks are either unnecessary or are simulated by various types of animators.


Main article: Post-production

Here the video/film is assembled by the video/film editor. The shot film material is edited.

The production sound (dialogue) is also edited; music tracks and songs are composed and recorded if a film is sought to have a score; sound effects are designed and recorded.

Any computer-graphic visual effects are digitally added.

Finally, all sound elements are mixed into "stems", which are then married to picture, and the film is fully completed ("locked").


Main articles: Film distribution and Film promotion

This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas or, occasionally, directly to consumer media (DVD, VCD, VHS, Blu-ray) or direct download from a digital media provider.

The film is duplicated as required (either onto reels or hard disk drives) and distributed to cinemas for exhibition (screening).

Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published, and the film is advertised and promoted.

A B-roll clip may be released to the press based on raw footage shot for a "making of" documentary, which may include making-of clips as well as on-set interviews.

Film distributors usually release a film with a launch party, a red-carpet premiere, press releases, interviews with the press, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings.

Most films are also promoted with their own special website separate from those of the production company or distributor.

For major films, key personnel are often contractually required to participate in promotional tours in which they appear at premieres and festivals, and sit for interviews with many TV, print, and online journalists.

The largest productions may require more than one promotional tour, in order to rejuvenate audience demand at each release window.

Since the advent of home video in the early 1980s, most major films have followed a pattern of having several distinct release windows.

A film may first be released to a few select cinemas, or if it tests well enough, may go directly into wide release.

Next, it is released, normally at different times several weeks (or months) apart, into different market segments like rental, retail, pay-per-view, in-flight entertainment, cable, satellite, and/or free-to-air broadcast television.

The distribution rights for the film are also usually sold for worldwide distribution. The distributor and the production company share profits.

Independent filmmaking

Main article: Independent film

Filmmaking also takes place outside of the mainstream and is commonly called independent filmmaking.

Since the introduction of DV technology, the means of production have become more democratized.

Filmmakers can conceivably shoot and edit a film, create and edit the sound and music, and mix the final cut on a home computer.

However, while the means of production may be democratized, financing, traditional distribution, and marketing remain difficult to accomplish outside the traditional system.

 In the past, most independent filmmakers have relied on film festivals (such as Sundance, Venice, Cannes and Toronto film festivals) to get their films noticed and sold for distribution and production.

However, the Internet has allowed for relatively inexpensive distribution of independent films on websites such as YouTube.

As a result, several companies have emerged to assist filmmakers in getting independent movies seen and sold via mainstream internet marketplaces, often adjacent to popular Hollywood titles.

With internet movie distribution, independent filmmakers who fail to garner a traditional distribution deal now have the ability to reach global audiences.

See also


  35 mm film


  Cinematic techniques


  Director of audiography a.k.a. Sound Director, Director of Sound

  Film crew

  Film director

  Film editing

  Film title design

  Film industry

  Film producer

  Film school

  Film studies

  First look deal

  List of film-related topics

  Movie production incentives in the United States

  Outline of film







Steiff, Josef (2005). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Independent Filmmaking. Alpha Books. pp. 26–28.

Sound-On-Film by Vincent LoBrutto (1994)

Film Sound: Theory and Practice, Edited by Elisabeth Weis and John Belton, Columbia University Press (1985) - Page 361

Sound for Digital Video by Tomlinson Holman (Focal Press) 2005 (p. 162)

Dialogue Editing for Motion Pictures by John Purcell (Focal Press) 2007 (p. 148)

See  More

MAIN Encyclopedia   CINEMA  FILMS Category

External links


Internet Filmmaker's FAQ 

Caroline Aaron

۱۳۳ بازديد

Born Caroline Sidney Abady

August 7, 1952 (1952-08-07)

Richmond, Virginia, U.S.

Occupation Actress/Producer

Years active 1982–present

Spouse(s) James Foreman (1981–present; 2 children)


Caroline Aaron (born August 7, 1952) is an American actress and producer.



Personal life

Aaron was born as Caroline Sidney Abady in Richmond, Virginia of Jewish heritage.

Her mother, Nina Friedman Abady, was a civil rights activist in the American South.

She attended American University in Washington, D.C., studying performing arts.

Her elder sister, Josephine Abady, a theatre director and producer, died from breast cancer on May 25, 2002, aged 52.



As actress

1982: Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean: Martha

1983: Without a Trace: Makeup woman

1983: Baby It's You: Waitress

1984: The Brother from Another Planet: Randy Sue Carter

1986: Heartburn: Judith

1987: O.C. and Stiggs: Janine

1987: Anna: Interviewer

1988: Working Girl: Petty Marsh Secretary

1989: Crimes and Misdemeanors: Barbara

1990: Edward Scissorhands: Marge

1990: Alice: Sue

1991: Dead and Alive: The Race for Gus Farace: Dolly

1992: This Is My Life: Martha Ingels

1992: Husbands and Wives: Dinner party guest

1993: The Pickle: Nancy Osborne

1993: Sleepless in Seattle: Dr. Marcia Fieldstone

1994: Mixed Nuts: Hotline Caller (voice)

1995: Dad, the Angel & Me: Abby

1995: A Modern Affair: Elaine

1996: White Lies: Gallerist

1996: Big Night: Woman in Restaurant

1996: The Boys Next Door: Mrs. Warren

1996: House Arrest: Louise Finley

1997: White Lies: Virginia Past

1997: Dinner and Driving: Roz

1997: Weapons of Mass Distraction: Robin Zimmer

1997: Deconstructing Harry: Doris

1998 Life in the Fast Lane Venessa

1998: Primary Colors: Lucille Kaufman

1998: There's No Fish Food in Heaven: Vanessa

1998: Sex and the City: Pamela Glock

1999: A Fine Day for Flying: Madelyn

1999: Dying to Live: Detective

1999: Anywhere but Here: Gail Letterfine

1999: Tuesdays with Morrie: Connie

2000: What Planet Are You From?: Nadine Jones

2000: An American Daughter: Veronica

2000: Running Mates: Jody Daniels

2000: Lucky Numbers: Nurse Sharpling

2000: Bounce: Donna

2001: Nobody's Baby: Doctor

2001: Amy's Orgasm: Janet Gaines

2001: Never Again: Elaine

2001: Joe Dirt: Joe's Mom

2001: When Billie Beat Bobby

2002: Pumpkin: Claudia Prinsinger

2002: The Secret Life of Zoey: Mimi

2003: Two Days: Mrs. Miller

2004: Along Came Polly: Wedding Coordinator

2004: Call Waiting: Judy Baxter/Carol Lane

2004: A Day Without a Mexican: Aunt Gigi

2004: Cellular: Marilyn Mooney

2004: Beyond the Sea: Nina Cassotto Maffia

2004: Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman: Madeleine

2005: Just Like Heaven: Grace

2006: Grilled: Faye Goldbluth

2007: Nancy Drew: Barbara Barbara

2007 My First Time Driving Helen Short film

2007 Love Comes Lately Rachel Meyerowitz

2008 Surveillance Janet

2008: Ugly Betty: Judge

2009: Desperate Housewives: Daphne Bicks

2009: The Young and the Restless: Joanne "JoJo" Glover (Dec 28, 2009-present)

2009 Finding Bliss Debra Balaban

2009 Love Hurts Wanda

2010 Our Family Wedding Elaine

2010 Meeting Spencer Nancy Diamond

2012 21 Jump Street Annie Schmidt

2013 Sex & Marriage Beatrice Video

2013 Tuna Virginia 

2014 22 Jump Street Annie Schmidt 

2014 The Rewrite Ellen 

2016 Hello, My Name Is Doris Val



Year Title Role Notes

      1991 Dead and Alive: The Race for Gus Farace Dolly TV film

      1991 Law & Orde rSusan Episode: "God Bless the Child"

      1992 Law & Order Valerie Walker Episode: "Point of View"

      1995 Empty Nest Shannon Episode: "Feelings, Whoa Whoa Whoa, Feelings"

      1995 Mad About You Trish Dawson Episode: "Two Tickets to Paradise"

      1995 If Not For You Nina Episodes: "Taking a Shower with My Two True Loves", "The Kiss"

      1995 Dad, the Angel & Me AbbyTV film

      1995 Wings Mary Pat Lee Episode: "Ex, Lies and Videotape"

      1996 Dave's World Judy Episode: "Stress"

      1997 Wings Mary Pat Lee Episode: "Let's Talk About Sex"

      1997 Early Edition Dr. Susan Leonard Episode: "Frostbite"

      1997 Weapons of Mass Distraction Robin Zimmer TV film

      1998 Late Line Amy Freundlich / Rhonda Laskey (voice) Recurring role (4 episodes)

      1998 Frasier Phyllis Conrad Episode: "First Date"

      1998 Sex and the City Pamela Glock Episode: "The Monogamists"

      1999 Ally McBeal Laura Dipson Episode: "Love Unlimited"

      1999 NYPD Blue Doris Steinman Episode: "Big Bang Theory"

      1999 Practice, The The Practice Delores Keplar Episode: "Of Human Bondage"

      1999 Payne Diane Taggert Episode: "I Never Forget a Face-Lift"

      1999 Tuesdays with Morrie Connie TV film

      2000 Judging Amy Eloise Darline Episodes: "Zero to Sixty", "The Wee Hours"

      2000 American Daughter, An An American Daughter Veronica TV film

      2000 Gideon's Crossing Nancy Bales Episode: "The Gift"

      2000 Running Mates Jody Daniels TV film

      2000 Family Law Sharon Episode: "The Choice"

      2001 Six Feet Under Amelia Episode: "The Foot"

      2001 Inside Schwartz Bernice Episode: "Play-Action Fake Boyfriend"

      2001 7th Heaven Sally Palmer Episode: "Parents"

      2002 7th Heaven Sally Palmer Episode: "Hot Pants"

      2002 Secret Life of Zoey, The The Secret Life of Zoey Mimi TV film

      2002 Less than Perfect Roz Episode: "Future Shock"

      2002 Curb Your Enthusiasm Barbara Episodes: "Chet's Shirt", "Krazee-Eyez Killa", "The Grand Opening"

      2002 One on One Cheryl Ballard Episode: "Give'm an Inch, They'll Throw a Rave"

      2003 One on One Cheryl Ballard Episode: "Keeping It"

      2003 Miss Match Judy Schiff Episode: "The Love Bandit"

      2004 Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman Madeleine TV film

      2004 One on One Cheryl Ballard Episode: "No More Wire Hangers"

      2005 Malcolm in the Middle Ida Schultz Episode: "Pilot"

      2005 Girlfriends Michele Garrett Episode: "All God's Children"

      2006 Shark Judge Sylvia Howard Episode: "Fashion Police"

      2007 Brothers & Sisters Elise Episode: "Sexual Politics"

      2007 Entourage Sheila Rubenstein Episode: "The Return of the King"

      2007 Grey's Anatomy Connie Episode: "Let the Truth Sting"

      2008 Boston Legal Phyllis Goulet Episode: "True Love"

      2009 Monk Sheila Dorfman Episode: "Mr. Monk and the Magician"

      2009 Desperate Housewives Daphne Bicks Episode: "Boom Crunch"

      2010 Young and the Restless, The The Young and the Restless JoJoTV series

      2010 Players Olivia DiMarco Episode: "Krista's Mom"

      2010 Private Practice Stephanie Episode: "War"

      2011 Happy Endings Pauline Blum Episode: "Mein Coming Out"

      2011 Franklin & Bash Judge Rebecca Bayles Episode: "You Can't Take It With You"

      2012 Rizzoli & Isles Dana Episode: "Class Action Satisfaction"

      2012 Up All Night Marla Episode: "First Snow"

      2013 2 Broke Girls Wiga Episode: "And the Psychic Shakedown"

      2013 Franklin & Bash Judge Rebecca Bayles Episode: "Coffee and Cream"

      2016 Life in Pieces Karyl Episode: "CryTunes Divorce Tablet Ring"


As producer

2001 : All Over the Guy



Interview with Jewish Journal dated 9/2005 gave her age as 48;

Caroline Aaron Biography

Jewish Journal.com

Caroline Aaron Biography

"Biography for Caroline Aaron"   External links

Caroline Aaron

Caroline Aaron

Caroline Aaron

Caroline Aaron